Infection and Immunity Research Conferences (IIRC)
IIRC is a great way to learn more about current research and progress within the division. All the meetings are held virtually on 2nd Tuesdays (12 pm CST) and Last Thursdays (8 am CST) of each month.
Please contact [email protected] to be added to the mailing list, or to sign up to be an upcoming Infection and Immunity Research Conference speaker.
The IIRC will continue on September 12, 2023, and this web page will be updated with a new schedule.
Past Meetings
October 11, 2022: Brain resident memory T-cells and Viral reactivation by Priyanka Gupta (PhD)
October 27, 2022: Influence of microbial experience on early life immunity by Nathan Schuldt (PhD)
November 17, 2022: There is no 'T' in OPAT: Evidence suggests multidisciplinary team collaboration improves outcomes for patients receiving outpatient parenteral antibiotic therapy by Alison Galdys (MD) and Jennifer Ross (PharmD)
December 13, 2022: Cytotoxic Cells in the CNS or Subjects with Cryptococcal Meningitis and Advances HIV by Minna Ding (MD/PhD Trainee)
Characterization of CD4 T-cell dysfunction and control of latent C. neoformans infections by Elizabeth Okafor (MD/PhD Trainee)
January 10, 2023: Long Covid - Yes, Kids Get It Too by Bazak Sharon
January 26, 2023: Characterizing the cell-mediated antibody functions in Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C) by Jenna Dick (MD/PhD Candidate)
February 7, 2023: Translational Resources in the Institute for Therapeutics Discovery and Development (ITDD) by Michael Walters (PhD)
February 26. 2023: In Vitro Evolutions of Human Anti-HIV N6 Antibody for the Discovery of Potent Highly Efficient Antibdoies by Asma Ahsan (Post Doctoral Associate)
March 14, 2023: Do patients with candidemia need an Opthalmology exam? by Serin Irayil (MBBS, Assistant Professor)
Rapid acquisition of multidrug resistance during Candida lusitaniae infection by Nancy Scott (BICB PhD Candidate)
March 30, 2023: Hyperammonemia Syndrome of Transplant: Investigating the Natural History of a Rare Disease by Sashi Nair (ID Fellow)
April 27, 2023: STI Screening in Mobile Populations by Rachel Hussman (ID Fellow)
Longitudinal Antifungal Susceptibility Testing of Cryptococcus Neoformans: A Substudy of the EnACT Trial Testing Oral Amphotericin by Thomas McHale (ID Fellow)
May 4, 2023: Optimizing HIV and PrEP Care Through the Use of Telehealth by Kate Marichal (ID Fellow)
Impact of Industry Involvement on Outcomes of Clinical Trials Evaluating Topical Tropical Antiseptics to Prevent Hospital-Acquired Infections by Nick Goodhope (ID Fellow)
May 9, 2023: Origin of SARS-COV2 with the Scientific Basis by Levent Kenar (MD, PhD, University of Health Sciences Ankara)
May 25, 2023: Impatient Oral Amoxicillin Challenges for Low Risk Penicillin Allergies by Michael Davis (ID Fellow)
Hyponatremia as a Risk Factor for Meningitis and/or Death in Asymptomatic Serum CrAg+ Persons with HIV by Alice Lehman (ID Fellow)